Tag: hourly recruiting

Is your company up to the task of winning the “battle” for top talent? Companies all across the world are looking for new, innovative, and cost-effective ways to attract talent to their organizations. Achilles Group…
As a result of Hurricane Harvey and the subsequent flooding throughout Southeast Texas, many businesses that were forced to closed may be wondering how to handle payroll and PTO issues. Here are a few tips…
Have you ever heard someone refer to their job as “just a support role”, or “an administrative position”?  Our focus as Leaders is often fixated on the sales, technical and production roles and we unintentionally…
At Achilles Group, we encourage and even insist on Recruiting Effectiveness becoming a vital component of your business strategy.Our MotivationWe bring the expertise and resources to install Recruiting Effectiveness as a competitive advantage. We partner…
Recruiting Effectiveness is everybody’s business and no one’s job…Over many years of working with business owners and leaders, we always ask about the three most critical issues that directly impact their profitability.  One of the…
Can you relate to any of the scenarios below? There are only two of us handling everything from operations to accounting to legal to HR. With everything on our plates, it’s challenging to adequately handle…
Picture it:  You are interviewing a great candidate whom you want to fall in love with your company.   Be careful of the message you’re conveying via your body language.  You don’t want to scare off…
Talent Acquisition should be one of the most important components of your business because hiring the right people can be one of your company’s biggest competitive advantages.  Great employees contribute to and enhance your company’s…
Sometimes the person with the most knowledge and skills is NOT the best for the job!Many recruiters focus on telling their clients how to make the right hire at the right time, but do not…
Recruiting and hiring good employees can be the most critical aspect of running a small or medium-sized business. If you don’t hire the right people to begin with, your chances of success are slim to…