Category: Holidays

On the 11th hour of the 11th day of the 11th month in 1918, an armistice was signed, the formal agreement that marked the official end of World War I. The day became known as…
To celebrate National Book Lovers’ Day, we wanted to share some of our team members’ favorite books with you. These books have helped shape our team, our brand, and our approach to equipping leaders to…
A Christmas Story… As a kid my Christmas often came with a 10-hour winter car ride from Oklahoma City to the sandhills of Nebraska. Dad and Mom had to use every cubic inch to load…
Choose to see the good, the beauty, the precious moment…   We all have much for which to be thankful. We are free, in a nation of plenty with a heritage of giving thanks to…
Pledge to Remember     Veterans Day…   Dad joined the navy at 17 years old near the end of WW2 stationed in the Philippines.  Years later as a kid I loved wearing his old white service…
 People are often unreasonable, irrational, and self-centered.Forgive them anyway.If you are kind, people may accuse you of selfish, ulterior motives.Be kind anyway.If you are successful, you will win some unfaithful friends and some genuine enemies.Succeed…
Last Christmas we shared an uplifting and heartwarming story as told by the famous radio broadcaster, Paul Harvey, The Man and the Birds, live on air over ABC Radio on Christmas Eve, 1965. This story shows…
Many stories are heard and told during Christmas, including stories of Santa and his reindeer, and Frosty the Snowman. Hallmark movies depict romantic fairytale endings. Comedies portray the joys and struggles of the holidays.But most…
Jesus As A Servant Leader: What We Can LearnAs Easter approaches, we are taking a moment to think about the impact of leadership Jesus had on our world. Market Leadership Journal calculates that 30 percent…