Tag: people focus

An updated set of Family and Medical Leave Act (FLMA) forms for employers has been released by the U.S. Department of Labor’s (DOL) Wage and Hour Division. The only revision to these forms is an…
Mistakes happen. At Achilles, we will help you avoid mistakes, and move past mistakes that do happen to help you be successful. The Achilles Team is well equipped to serve alongside your leaders in many…
TalentConnection may be the solutions for you if the following sounds familiar: Find, hire and keep good people. Sounds like a great set of priorities… So, you develop a clear recruiting profile, place ads and…
At Achilles Group we work hard to impact People Performance as a catalyst for profitability.We have worked with thousands of leaders and seen the good, the bad and at times the ugly impact of poor…
Fundamentally, leadership is all about getting others to follow the course you set with full competency and commitment. However, the challenge of a leader is that you’re often too busy to sit down and engage…
Naturally, most of us in the HR field believe ourselves to be excellent judges of character. Therefore, recruiting and hiring good people shouldn’t be too difficult for us, right? But if that’s true, why do…
Sometimes you can’t see a problem until someone from the outside points it out, and that’s particularly true in the recruiting process. What may initially be a good recruiting strategy for your company could also…
On this Special Valentine’s Day, Achilles Group celebrates 16 years of service to our clients. We are very grateful for the opportunity to make a difference and for our talented group of people who make…
When you think about winning teams in professional baseball, the New York Yankees are one of the first teams that come to mind. But have you ever thought about why that is? Maybe lots of…
Inviting feedback can be hard enough, but receiving it can be even harder. Any sort of criticism (even constructive) tends to bring out all of our insecurities and defensiveness, but truly great leaders resist this…