Tag: HR

Dan Calvert serves as the President of Achilles Group where he offers a wealth of experience in business, human resources and the retail industry. With over 30 years of business experience and over 20 years…
Can you relate to any of the scenarios below? There are only two of us handling everything from operations to accounting to legal to HR. With everything on our plates, it’s challenging to adequately handle…
Meet Kristen McGullion! Kristen began her journey with Achilles 11 years ago this May as an Employment Coordinator and today serves as Vice President of HR Services and a key multidimensional contributor to our Executive…
Vista Host, Inc. is a hotel development and management company with more than 25 hotels in 10 different states – that’s a lot of employees in many different locations!“We feel that Achilles Group accomplishes our…
The current Form I-9 expired on March 31, 2016. U.S. Citizenship and Immigration Services has said employers should continue using the expired form for employment eligibility verification until further notice.Employers must complete Form I-9 for…
The Achilles Group Fractional HR approach involves identifying your specific needs, then applying a percentage of our focus on each level and type of HR expertise needed for your situation. We offer four levels of…
HR departments hold a vast amount of data ranging from home addresses, social security numbers and other personal information. They are responsible for protecting this sensitive information that are transferred both internally and externally.According to…
My first real job was as an Employment Coordinator with Achilles Group. I learned that before you ask for a raise – do your research!I will never forget when asking for my first raise I…
Although minimum wage in Texas has not changed since 2009 (it is $7.25, which is the Federal Minimum Wage or FMW), companies with operations in multiple states should carefully watch minimum wage developments in order…
Heard this morning on KTRH 740 AM radio:Making vacation plans for 2015 or are you planning on not take vacation time in 2015?42% of Americans didn’t take any vacation time last year, typical for any…