Stay at Home and Go to Work?

Stay At Home And Go To Work?Essential Infrastructure Business is now being designated and has created somewhat of a paradox in our homes, businesses and community. Many employees want to or must stay at home to care for family or to self-quarantine while also being employed by a presumptive Essential Infrastructure Business.

And, as business owners and leaders, we are working mightily to keep the business productive, profitable and viable so all of us have a place to work when the crisis has passed. We know the business needs all of the team.

Some Points to Clarify and Options to Pursue:

  1. Just because the business is deemed part of essential infrastructure does not necessarily mean every role is essential or required to work on the business premises.
    • If the role can effectively be done remotely (from home) then, by all means, keep that person at home.
    • If not already set up to support virtual work, then set up what you can and make a note that you need to investigate leveraging technology more in the future.
    • At the very least, isolate the activities that must be done in-office and keep the employee on work-from-home status for the other remote suitable workload.

  1. Talk through the challenges with employees that see their role as less essential than you do.
    • Everyone handles these stressful conditions differently; work to understand, accommodate and compromise. Avoid win-lose outcomes.
    • Recognize they are not alone, as evidenced by hotlines being set up for employees that feel they are being held to on-premises work even though they do not view the business or their role as essential.

  1. Equip and encourage those whose role is essential and must be performed on-premises.
    • Recognize the commitment and sacrifice it takes to go into work and drive away from a family at home that worries about your exposure to a very dangerous virus
    • Some companies are already providing special appreciation in the form of premium pay.
    • Others are including staggered shifts, and using vacated office space left by certain groups working from home and resetting workstations that provide for good social distancing.
    • Openly exercise with diligence the hygiene and cleaning regimens; place special emphasis on the cleaning routines for shop, yard and equipment use environments, as well as the office.

  1. Call around regularly and randomly to virtually connect with your people.
    • Encourage your people to do the same for each other; keep the team interactive.
    • Set special team calls and virtual meetings; brief, purposeful and interactive.
    • Things are moving fast, keep the team in the loop with whatever information you can share.
    • Remind the team that we are all working to keep our business stable in a rough time.
    • Your ability to connect, show appreciation and concern goes a long way.

Our Achilles colleagues take calls daily to work through issues on a case-by-case approach.

Keep in touch and keep looking up.

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