Achilles Group + Mark

Office Holiday Decorations

With the holidays quickly approaching it is important for companies to be sensitive to all employees’ cultural and religious beliefs. 
This time of year is festive and can be a lot fun but companies need to remember that not everyone celebrates the same holidays.  When your company is decorating the office, be mindful of the decorations you choose.  If you have some that are clearly Christmas decorations, consider incorporating other holiday décor. 
Most people associate wreaths, greenery and winter themed décor with generic year-end celebrations rather than a specific holiday. Employees may want to decorate their own personal workspace for the holidays, which can boost morale, but it’s important for employees to be mindful of other’s beliefs and decorate in a tasteful way.  Mistletoe should never be allowed in any area of the workplace including individual workspaces because it could lead to sexual harassment or hostile work environment claims.
If your company celebrates any holiday activities, make sure they are all voluntary. Not all employees may feel comfortable celebrating, or may not be able to join due to religious beliefs. Non-participation should not be viewed negatively.  The holidays can be the most festive time of the year and when handled with sensitivity and respect, workplace festivities can result in a true celebration of the spirit of the season.
If you have questions about what may or may not be appropriate, feel free to contact one of our HR Professionals at 281-469-1800 and we will be more than happy to provide some recommendations.

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