How We Back Up Your Front Line

Achilles Group is committed to producing a great market response to your recruiting ads by implementing a well-structured process, a commitment to hire at targeted salary levels, and effective job postings. However, that means our clients must be well-equipped to manage the response pool, conduct interviews, identify top candidates, approve finalist offers, and close the deal, all while their hiring managers continue to run their daily operations! In most cases, we find that, though well-intentioned, front-line managers need help in these areas, but luckily we’re here to back them up!

Our customized approach to Recruiting Effectiveness helps our clients narrow the field via well-defined, relevant screening criteria that target employee characteristics that really matter, not just the “nice to have” qualifications. While we recognize that your front line leaders’ intimate knowledge of your team’s work demands put them in the best position to know what makes a quality employee, we can support them by providing focus, structuring tools, and coaching. We also utilize their feedback to continuously improve the job posting and interview formats. And, once a prime candidate is identified, we keep the process moving efficiently, which allows your company to make the right offer at the right time.

At Achilles Group, we encourage and even insist on Recruiting Effectiveness becoming a vital component of your business strategy. So, the next time you need a competitive advantage, reach out to our HR professionals for a customized approach. We can bring the expertise and horsepower you need to make effective recruiting one of the core competencies of your company!

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