Tag: job description

The ability to craft precise and comprehensive job descriptions isn’t just a routine HR exercise; it is a strategic imperative that lays the foundation for your organizational excellence….
Achilles Group began working with us during a difficult time, but the transition went a lot smoother than expected. They adapted quickly to get us up to speed and headed in the right direction. They…
At Achilles Group, we encourage and even insist on recruiting effectiveness becoming a vital component of your business strategy. Recruiting is no longer a buyers’ market. The tables have turned, and today you must sell…
UPDATE: On May 18, 2016, the Department of Labor released its final rule on new overtime regulations, raising the salary threshold for exempt status to $47,476. Click here for more information.The Department of Labor is…
1. Hire the Right People for the JobIt may be tempting but don’t hire people you know for your open positions. Interview qualified, experienced professionals from outside your immediate circle. Make sure you check references…