Tag: employee performance

As we enter the second month of the New Year, it’s the perfect time to focus on a healthy workforce. You don’t have to be in the C-suite to promote a culture of wellness at…
We all know things happen. Maybe the kids are sick, you have a broken water pipe in your house, or the dog got out and is running wild through the neighborhood. This always seem to…
We all know how unforgiving the southern heat can sometimes be, but do we all know how to protect ourselves and employees? The Occupational Safety and Health Administration (OSHA) issued a warning on Friday to…
The employer mandate fee is officially referred to as a “shared responsibility payment,” as the fee will help fund marketplace subsidies and fund other aspects of the Affordable Care Act.The annual employer mandate fee (officially…
1. Hire the Right People for the JobIt may be tempting but don’t hire people you know for your open positions. Interview qualified, experienced professionals from outside your immediate circle. Make sure you check references…
Did you know that a new staff member makes up their mind within the first days of your employ whether they are going to stay or leave, become a star or a dud.Six Rules to…
Is yours one of the many Houston-based businesses that hires employees who do not speak English? Here are some points to ponder:Federal Posting Requirements maintain that if 20% or more of your workforce is not…