Category: HR Insights

The topic of compensation for a worker that travels is complex. It’s important for employers and employees to be aware of the specific laws and regulations governing overtime pay in the relevant jurisdiction, as these…
Of particular interest to employers are the increased regulations concerning employer monitoring outlined in Section 6 of the Executive Order. This section instructs the Secretary of Labor to develop and publish principles and best practices…
However, the presence of a disengaged employee can act as a subtle toxin, silently eroding your team’s efficiency and productivity. …
After all, the difference between leadership and management lies in the ability to articulate outcome-based destinations, chart the course, and inspire others to follow….
But it’s equally vital as we contemplate our leadership vision for 2024 to pause and not only reflect on this year’s work and recognize progress, but to challenge ourselves to step back and creatively adapt…
You want a path to excellence for your business that transcends the passing nature of external factors. A company with a team of dedicated individuals, driven by character, equipped with the right skills, and positioned…
What if you were in control of cost and benefit plan design? What could that do for not only your business, but your peace of mind as a leader?…
One decision that’s gaining traction among businesses like yours, growing beyond 25 employees, is transitioning from a Professional Employer Organization (PEO) to an unbundled approach for employee benefits, payroll services (or HCMS), and human resources services. …
Lessons from a Texas Heat Wave: Surviving Business Stress. Heartfelt and timely encouragement is so much more than just an occasional splash of appreciation.  Here are some efforts that can help you maintain an effective…
To celebrate National Book Lovers’ Day, we wanted to share some of our team members’ favorite books with you. These books have helped shape our team, our brand, and our approach to equipping leaders to make…