Recruiting Effectiveness: Select Recruiting Methods

Once your hiring team has been established, it’s time to take the next step in the recruiting process, and get the word out about your open position. But what is the best way to do that? Well, there isn’t just one method that works better than others. You will likely have to use a combination of recruiting methods to find your next hire. Here are some of our preferred recruiting methods:

Free Job Search Websites– free job search sites, such as, offer two perks in one place: a no-cost option to post your job opening, and broad reach to thousands of potential candidates. These types of sites are often the first stop many job applicants make when on the hunt for a new position, which increases your chance of finding the ideal candidate for your job posting. There is, however, also an increased chance of receiving unwanted applications, so this might not be the best option for an employer looking to make a quick hire.

Paid Job Boards– while not as far-reaching as free job boards, paid job boards offer the benefit of promoting your job opening to a more select, niche group of candidates. While there is some cost involved, it’s easier to weed out unqualified candidates by spending a few extra dollars on paid job boards in lieu of spending hours sorting through unqualified resumes and applications.

Job Fairs– while they might seem old fashioned, job fairs can actually be an effective way to recruit new talent, particularly on college campuses where employers can seek out candidates who are educated in specific fields. In addition, attending job fairs enables employers to meet potential candidates face-to-face before the interview process even begins.

Employee Referrals– finding your next great new hire might be as easy as asking the employees you already work with. Word-of-mouth referrals are a great way to source highly qualified talent, while also eliminating some of the more time-consuming barriers of recruiting and interviewing. As a bonus, offering an incentive for your employees in exchange for their help with recruiting is one way to sweeten the deal where both parties win!

Social Media– while relatively new to the hiring landscape, social media is quickly becoming a great way to find qualified job candidates. Platforms such as LinkedIn offer a robust job search feature for both employers and job candidates, while Facebook recently launched job searching functionality within its platform as well. In addition to sourcing candidates, social media channels provide a great avenue to learn more information – the good, the bad and the ugly – about potential new-hires as well.

After you’ve selected your recruiting methods and posted your job opening, it’s time to “Narrow the Field”.

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